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Seychelles Stripeless Day Gecko (Phelsuma astriata)

This small endemic species of gecko, as its name suggests, is commonly seen during the day on buildings, coconut palms, and banana trees. Known for its vibrant appearance and unique behaviors, this gecko is a captivating sight for nature enthusiasts.

Widespread within the Seychelles, this gecko can be found on almost all the inner granitic islands and several of the coralline islands. It has adapted well to various environments, making it a frequent encounter for those exploring these islands.

The gecko can grow up to 14 cm in length. Its body is predominantly lime green, adorned with colorful dots and bars on its back, giving it a striking appearance. Male geckos often exhibit a blue or turquoise lower back and tail, adding to their visual appeal. This coloration not only serves as a form of camouflage but also plays a role in their social interactions and mating displays.

One of the most fascinating aspects of this gecko is its ability to dramatically change the intensity of its color based on light conditions. In bright light, the gecko appears a vivid lime green. However, when kept in a dark place, even for a short period, its color darkens to an extremely dark green, which can easily be mistaken for black when viewed under light. This remarkable adaptation helps the gecko blend into its surroundings, offering protection from predators.

Unlike many other gecko species, this gecko does not glue its eggs to surfaces. Instead, it places them in hidden, safe areas for incubation. This behavior reduces the risk of predation and environmental hazards, ensuring a higher survival rate for the offspring.

This gecko is a remarkable example of the biodiversity found in the Seychelles. Its distinctive characteristics and behaviors make it a fascinating subject of study and a delightful discovery for visitors exploring the islands. Whether basking in the sun or camouflaging in the shadows, this gecko adds to the rich tapestry of wildlife that makes the Seychelles a unique and vibrant ecosystem.